Every person who can log in to Qminder has a corresponding User object.

Users can be granted access to locations on a per-location basis, either with the "MANAGER" or "CLERK" access level.

Users can also be granted access to the entire Account, if they are given the "ADMIN" permission.


Users have the following data fields:

idnumberA user's unique ID in Qminder
emailstringA user's email address. Users will use this email address to log in to Qminder.
firstNamestringThe user's first (given) name.
lastNamestringThe user's last (family) name.
selectedLocationnumberThe ID of the location that the user has currently selected.
rolesarrayAn array of all access roles that the user has.
roles[].idnumberThe ID of the access role.
roles[].typestringThe access level granted by this access role.
"CLERK" = can service visitors and see statistics about themselves.
"MANAGER" = can manage settings of a single location and see statistics for the whole location, and all clerks in that location.
"ADMIN" = can manage settings of the whole account. Admins have "MANAGER" access to all locations in an Account.
"OWNER" = same as "ADMIN", but this role cannot be granted to others or removed from the Owner of the account.
roles[].locationnumberThe ID of the Location that this access role grants access to.
Only "CLERK" and "MANAGER" role types have a location ID field.

Code examples

This is a Line object as returned by our RESTful API and our official libraries.

  "id": 891,
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "firstName": "Test",
  "lastName": "User",
  "selectedLocation": 4022,
  "roles": [
          "type": "ADMIN"