Tickets represent a visitor's single visit to a Location.

A ticket is created every time a visitor is added to queue by either service personnel or via iPad and Visit Planner Remote Sign-in.

All tickets belong to a Line.

Tickets are called when service clerks call the visitor, and are served when service clerks mark the visitor as served.

Tickets can contain additional free-form data as name / value pairs, that will be shown on the Qminder Service View as custom input fields.

Tickets can additionally have one or more Labels, which are useful for tagging visitors or sharing small notes between coworkers.


Tickets have the following data fields:

idstringThe ticket's unique ID.
statusstringThe ticket's status.
"NEW" = The ticket is in the queue.
"CALLED" = The ticket is currently being serviced.
"SERVED" = The ticket has been marked as served.
"CANCELLED_BY_CLERK" = The ticket has been removed from queue.
"NOSHOW" = The ticket was marked as no-show.
sourcestringThe ticket's source.
"MANUAL" = The ticket has been created by a clerk.
"NAME" = The ticket has been created by iPad Sign-in.
"MICROSITE" = The ticket has been created by Visit Planner Remote Sign-in.
linenumberThe ID of the Line that the ticket has been created into.
firstNamestringThe visitor's first name (given name).
lastNamestringThe visitor's last name (family name).
orderAfterISO 8601If the visitor has been reordered before another ticket, then this timestamp should be used to chronologically order the ticket.
created.dateISO 8601The timestamp when the ticket was created.
called.dateISO 8601The timestamp when the ticket was called.
This field is only present on tickets with the "CALLED" status.
called.callernumberThe ID of the user who called the ticket.
This field is only present on tickets with the "CALLED" status.
called.desknumberThe ID of the desk where the ticket was called.
This field is only present if the ticket was called to a desk.
This field is only present on tickets with the "CALLED" status.
served.dateISO 8601The timestamp when the ticket was marked as served.
This field is only present on tickets with the "SERVED" status.
assigned.assignernumberThe ID of the user who assigned the ticket to another user.
This field is only present on tickets that have been reassigned.
assigned.assigneenumberThe ID of the user who was assigned to serve the ticket.
This field is only present on tickets that have been reassigned.
extraarrayAn array of additional data fields.
This array is empty when no additional data fields are available.
extra[].titlestringThe title of an additional data field.
extra[].valuestringThe value of an additional data field.
labelsarrayAn array of ticket labels.
This array is empty when no labels are available.
labels[].valuestringThe text of the ticket label.
labels[].colorstringAn RGB hex color of the label.
interactionsarrayAn array of service interactions.
One interaction object is added into the array for every time the ticket is called and either returned to queue or serviced.
interactions[].startISO 8601A timestamp of when the interaction with the visitor started.
interactions[].endISO 8601A timestamp of when the interaction with the visitor ended.
interactions[].linenumberThe ID of the line the visitor was called from, before the interaction started.
interactions[].usernumberThe ID of the user who serviced the visitor during this interaction.
messagesarrayAn array of SMS messages sent to the visitor or received from the visitor.
messages[].created.dateISO 8601A timestamp of when the message was sent or received.
messages[].bodystringThe text of the message.
messages[].typestring"OUTGOING" if the message was sent from Qminder to the visitor.
"INCOMING" if the message was received from the visitor.
messages[].statusstring"NEW" if the message has been sent, but not yet delivered to the visitor.
"DELIVERED" if the message has been delivered to the visitor.

Code examples

This is a Ticket object as returned by our RESTful API and our official libraries.

  "id": "51999102",
  "status": "SERVED",
  "source": "MANUAL",
  "line": 88100,
  "firstName": "Jane",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "orderAfter": "2015-04-29T12:29:40.701Z",
  "created": {
    "date": "2016-04-29T12:29:40.701Z"
  "called": {
    "date": "2016-05-05T14:05:29Z",
    "caller": 15144,
    "desk": 3
  "served": {
    "date": "2016-05-05T14:05:34Z"
  "assigned": {
    "assigner": 15100,
    "assignee": 15144
  "extra": [
      "title": "Notes",
      "value": "assistance required"
  "labels": [
      "value": "VIP",
      "color": "FF00FF"
  "interactions": [
      "start": "2016-05-05T14:05:29Z",
      "end": "2016-05-05T14:05:34Z",
      "line": 88100,
      "user": 15144
  "messages": [
      "created": {
        "date": "2017-06-15T18:43:41Z"
      "body": "Hello Jane! You are now in the queue. We will let you know when it's your turn.",
      "type": "OUTGOING",
      "status": "DELIVERED"